• Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Considering getting dental veneers in North York? Check these details!


Oct 18, 2024
dental veneers in North York

If you have stained, broken, and chipped teeth, you may want to consider dental veneers. Veneers are thin shells that are attached to the front of your teeth to improve appearance and aesthetics. Getting veneers is a permanent procedure, which requires removing a part of tooth enamel. Talk to your local dentist North York ON to understand more. 

Types of veneers

Veneers are usually made of porcelain or composite resin and resemble the color of your teeth. The first step is to remove a part of the enamel, which makes room for veneers, and if necessary, they may use an anesthetic agent. They will then take impressions of your teeth to create a mold, which is sent to the lab to order custom veneers. During your next appointment, the veneers will be cemented in place. In some cases, dentists use temporary veneers before permanent veneers come back from the lab. 

Your dentist may also suggest another option called no-prep veneers, which are more expensive but require minimal preparation. Brands choices include Lumineers and Vivaneers. Always consider the cost, look, and overall longevity of the veneers before making a decision, besides taking the dentist’s recommendations into account. 

Benefits of veneers

Veneers are a popular cosmetic procedure that is used to correct the appearance of teeth. It is ideal for patients who have discolored or yellow teeth that cannot be fixed with standard teeth whitening procedures. Veneers can also help correct gapped teeth and teeth that are smaller in size. Veneers are extremely durable, depending on the type, and most of them last for at least a decade or more. 

Procedure at a glance

During your initial appointment, your dentist will discuss whether or not you can benefit from veneers. If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, you may need to wear braces before considering veneers. Additional treatments may be necessary for patients who have signs and symptoms of decay, gum disease, or other concerns. For the next appointment, your dentist will trim down the enamel using a grinding tool. Impressions of your teeth will be then sent to the lab, and it can take up to four weeks to get the veneers back. Your dentist will do a complete check to ensure the veneers match the desired look and shape of your teeth. They will further clean the teeth to remove bacteria and roughen the texture of each tooth. The last step helps in sticking veneers to the tooth. A special kind of dental cement is used to bond the veneer to the tooth, using ultraviolet light. 

Are veneers the same as dental crowns?

No, veneers and dental crowns are different. Veneers are used for cosmetic reasons only and cover the front part of teeth, compared to crowns that work like caps to cover the entire tooth. Veneers are also thinner, and the procedure is a lot less invasive. Crowns are necessary and more critical after procedures like root canal therapy. RCT can weaken a tooth, and a crown is used to restore shape and function. In some cases, crowns may be used for cosmetic goals. 

How to care for dental veneers?

You have to avoid chewing hard objects that can damage veneers. Also, don’t use your teeth to open bottles or packaging. If you have the habit of clenching/grinding your teeth at night, talk to your dentist, and they can recommend wearing a splint to avoid damage to veneers. Always use a mouthguard while indulging in sports activities. With regular care, your veneers should last for at least a decade. 

Talk to your dentist in North York to understand whether you are an ideal candidate for dental veneers. 

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